Anywhoo, I'll move on to the subject at hand...PHIIIIIIIIIIIL...
Phil is Eric's GPS system that was given to me to be "helpful." (Eric is my bf) Apparently I was suppose to bond with this gadget and in return he was suppose to guide me around town. Well...nope, he hasn't . You see...Phil has tried to have me "turn right" a couple times INTO A WALL!!! NO PHIL! THERE IS NO RIGHT TURN!! He's also changed modes in the middle of my driving which confuses me even more, gets me lost and puts me in a situation where I don't know what to do and can't figure out because geeez...I'm driving ON THE CRAZY STREETS OF LA!! Oh, and sometimes he just won't turn on. And of course when I tell Eric about Phil's behavior, he starts acting properly in front of his father! Like I'm some crazy stepmother he refuses to like!
So yes, I hate Phil. I know hate is a strong word but it's pretty much hate...almost hate. He's added stress on my way to job interviews, made me late to some apartment hunts and is not helpful when I need to find furniture to pick up. He sucks...literally! He's making me waste all this gas for a 3.5 mile drive because he wants to play games and get me lost and have my mexican temper flare!!! And that's not a pretty sight!
Well, I'm hoping that things turn for the better tomorrow as I am hoping to hear back from some agencies and this really cute apartment I applied for. So, hopefully I will have some insightful advertising stories soon. For now, my LA survival stories are all you're getting!
Join me next time for Phil is dead! :) (not really because Eric would kill me, but we can pretend!)
P.S. Great Grey's Anatomy season finale!!
haha check this out. Eric found this.
When one of us does something this awesome, I say we go celebrate in Italy! Who's in?!
Maybe you just need some more time with Phil. Tomtom and I are great buddies -- and I know he'll help me out in Detroit!
(also, maybe you have it set to something like "scenic route" instead of "fastest route"?)
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