Well, we graduated from UF (The University of Florida) in 2008 (most of us, at least). After leaving the halls (or atrium) of Weimer Hall, we're off to work in advertising, all across the country! What we're up to, and what we're in to - you'll find it here! Check often to find out about the Wizards of Weimer!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Font "Georgia" is nice.

Hello fellow Gators,

Well my life is running away and I'm pretty much living the dream. Of course I can't help but always wonder what is next... I'm torn between Australia and The Peace Corp. That could change next week though. 

Tip for the new comers:

Don't work in New Business- become a bad ass in your respective area and then be recruited to "pitch" new business. Otherwise you're just a grunt with a blackberry. But the worst is over and my new assignment is still a mystery. 

While I was catching up on my WOW reading I saw this question:

When you're selling a freezer, what are you really selling? what ideas/emotions?

A couple of things:

A place to store dead bodies
A place to keep food fresh... longer. 
A place to store memories... like the slice of cake you've had since your wedding day 45 years ago. That half of a hot-dog left over when you broke the world record. It preserves the things worth saving. 

That was fun. 

At any rate, I see a lot of Ogilvy quoting... and Julio he did write a great book. I'm still wondering how many years it will take to stick.


Julio said...

I really couldn't read the rest of the post b/c after the first line I could only imagine Corwin doing Will Ferrell's "living the dream" dance from Wedding Crasher...

Sean said...

maybe ogilvy should have read made to stick lol

Karina said...

little late with the homework help, Cor. Very nice, though.