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Wednesday, October 29, 2008


At least for now... they have loaded every music video on to http://www.mtvmusic.com/!

Now you can watch Rick Astley over and over again!


1970's David Bowie

All it needs now is a playlist feature. Better yet, combine this with Pandora... oh the possibilities.


Mel Doug said...

Except... AHA! They aren't promoting the site. Notice... no advertising...

"I’ve just heard back from the folks at MTV.com, who’ve explained what they’re up to with MTV Music, the nifty video archive site they quietly rolled out yesterday.

The answer: They really haven’t rolled out the site. And, in fact, they don’t ever really plan to do so–it’s not really supposed to be something that regular Web surfers are meant to use.

Confused? So am I: After all, MTV Music has a nice, clean design, lots and lots of easy-to-access archival clips (MediaMemo just lost 30 minutes digging through the De La Soul collection).

So why build that unless you wanted everyone to see it?

MTV.com spokesman Tom Biro tried to explain, and if I understand him correctly, the site is supposed to be used as a sort of white-label archive that can be used both by MTV Networks, owned by Viacom (VIA), to build other video sites, as well as outsiders, both professionals and amateurs.

MediaMemo, for instance, might want to build its own De La Soul fan site, and could grab all the clips needed from the MTV site.

That also explains why the site has such a nice clean, look: There aren’t any ads there, because MTV isn’t selling it as a destination site.

Presumably, though, MTV will one day find a way to insert advertising into the clips, so visitors to my De La Soul site will generate some revenue for the network.

In the meantime, you can see this golden oldie, which I remember from, um, high school, without having to view a single ad."

-Peter Kafka
All Things Digital


Sean said...

1) hooray for embedded videos!

b. de la soul! yes!!!

III- is it sad that MTV has to ad music to its name a second time in order for it to have anything to do with music videos again?

∆: can't we just find videos on youtube? (maybe this will eventually lead to artists taking unauthorized videos off youtube, but i doubt it)

Corwin said...

@ mel doug - Okay so they still don't get...they may have accidentally created something great.

What could be happening here is that MTV doesn't want to pay royalties yet and this wording evades it... for now.

I doubt anyone is going to immediately fight MTV/Viacom which holds the power to cripple or quadruple an artists record sales (well maybe Bono).

I'd guess that this a "beta" launch to gauge site traffic and revenue potential.

@ sean - Artist are constantly removing videos from youtube. MTV already paid for the rights to manage these videos.

Mel Doug said...

I never said it was a bad thing. They just aren't promoting it. They just want to play host and be the 'source' if you will for music videos. I think its a great thing, they own the rights to play the music vids so they are really going to own the distribution- its a brilliant branding/viral fusion. It's not in beta as far as I know, but they aren't going to use it as a revenue stream.