Well, we graduated from UF (The University of Florida) in 2008 (most of us, at least). After leaving the halls (or atrium) of Weimer Hall, we're off to work in advertising, all across the country! What we're up to, and what we're in to - you'll find it here! Check often to find out about the Wizards of Weimer!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What's going on in NYC

Always curious if shooting, suspicious packages and the link are nearby?

Then this site is for you: http://gothamist.com/labs/map

I really recommending check the site out- it's a news blog for NYC that updates you on the latest happenings like:

The infamous Banksy is in-town!

And he has opened a pet store...

"Lest the hours on the store's business cards fool you, it's actually open from 10am - midnight (not the printed time of 12pm) through October 31st at 89 7th Ave. South (btwn Jekyll and Hyde and Sushi Samba)."

They say the rewind button is a little worn...

Check out the rest of the gallery here

Just to polish this post off...

Wall street really needs some relief...

1 comment:

Mel Doug said...

Does anyone want to go to Bansky's pet store this weekend?