Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Taking on an OG
Also right as I was about to post this I happened to see a friend of mine put this video on facebook and I just had to add it:
Friday, March 27, 2009
Da na na na na.... Go Gators!
Fletcher Martin has come up with a new and powerful campaign for the University of Florida. We all remember, and I'm sure love, the previous "Go Gator" campaign they did:
You won't find the current campaign on YouTube, but check out their Web site under the portfolio section to see the two new spots. In a word: amazing.
Also, to read more about the campaign and get some great insight, check out Deanna's blog: Satisfy the Craving. I'm so proud to call her little :)
Wait, what?
Why would anyone make a commercial for a sub "sexy"? Why, I ask you, why? This does not make me want a Quizno's sub. In fact, it makes me want to throw up. And, it's not funny. If it was supposed to be a joke... I don't get it.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Smoking Smarties
Apparantly this is pretty old, but it's making new waves on YouTube. There are sereval different version, all with a "how-to" smoke smarties, but this one featuring a 10-year-old boy named Titus is getting all the attention. It's been posted on BuzzFeed, CollegeHumor, the video-gamer destination's "Attack of the Show", and the "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon" blog. Along with dozens of other vidoes, there a numerous MySpace metions and groups on Facebook as well as tons of posts to blogs. The video is also the 5th link when "smarties" is typed into Google
There are clearly two problems happening... it perpetuates the "coolness" of smoking and could be some really bad PR for Smarties's maker Ce De. Ce De is a 60-year-old family owned company that is [probably] never in the news on anyone's top of mind. I mean, how often does anyone really think of Smarties, aside from the occasional pinata and perhaps Halloween?
The company is distancing itself from the videos and denying any connection... Is any PR good PR??
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Way to capture our... hearts?
Twitter Video
It reminds me of the brilliance behind the Bravia ads: take a simple idea, then blow it up as big as you can.
On another note, here is your pointless and frankly mystifying (even if you understand Japanese) commercial from Japan.
...but that song is quite catchy...
Monday, March 23, 2009
The periodic table of fonts

Click the image for its full size glory (twss).
It was created by the artist Squidspot.
The rest of the world is sooooo much more clever then us

Urban hangover pants

Saturday, March 21, 2009

P.S.: I'd like to give a shout-out to my friend Miranda's blog, Mirandom Selections. She was my Art Director for the second half of our account planning class and she's pretty much awesome in all ways possible, and best of all, she's a fan of our blog too, so give her's a peek.
P.S.S.: It might not be the Big Dance but we beat Miami and knocked them out of the NIT so that made my basketball season.
P.S.S.S.: Eric Roller won the Top Dog award for this past quarter and that makes it the second time he wins it since I've been in school. Here's what he won it for: Pigsy in Space
P.S.S.S.S.: This is awesome (which I stole from Miranda's twitter feed): Billy Mays makes me feel special
Hello Kitty
Friday, March 20, 2009
I Twatted
And now, if you don't already know what it is, or want to take a good look at Twitter, here's a video explaining it all...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Discovery Health's I Am My Own Twin
"Babies are being born split right down the middle, half black and half white, a testicle on one side and a vagina on the other. Explore the extraordinary medical phenomena that causes two different babies to fuse together in the womb."
Wait. What?
So two fertilized eggs, which would eventually have been fraternal twins, sometimes fuse in the womb very early on and instead of two babies , just one baby is born who is also his/her own twin because this unusual baby carries two sets of DNA! Why this happens is a mystery.
This was discovered when a woman lost custody of her children because DNA tests showed that they were not actually hers. She was pregnant, and the court ordered someone to witness the birth of her next child. When they tested the DNA of that child, it also did not match the mother's DNA. This is because she was her own twin. Depending on where they sampled her DNA from (literally down to the exact strand of hair), the code was different.
Sometimes the babies in this situation look totally normal, but other times they exhibit really strange features, like a stomach that's half white and half black, or they are born with a cervix AND a teste. There are no pictures that I can find online--but I suggest that you watch the documentary. It's on YouTube. Here's part 1:
Dolphin Bubbles
Some other fun-facts about the coolest kids in the animal planet:
- Dolphins have to be conscious to breath, so they cannot go into a full deep sleep because they would suffocate. So they are able to actually let just half of their brain sleep at a time.
- Dolphins are thought to have evolved from a land animal resembling a wolf.
- There's a dolphin called a narwhal that's known as the unicorn of the sea.
- Unlike other mammals (besides us of course), dolphins often engage in sex and foreplay just for fun and throughout the year, not just during mating season. They are also one of the only mammals to engage in homosexual sexual play.
- When dolphins give birth, another female dolphin acts as the "midwife" and is the only other pod member allowed near the calf.
- An albino dolphin was spotted once.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Dustin vs. Playstation
On Playstation's site, you can view 6 more videos of the debate, 3 from Dustin and his backers and 3 from Playstation's side. The best one in my opinion is the one with Dustin and his coach in the kitchen. Couldn't find it on youtube, but visit the site and check them out.
More Nerdy raps
First- Bo Burnham, on of my all time fav YT videos
And of course, you can't go wrong with Weird Al - White and Nerdy (in Legos because the original won't embed)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Japanese Love Robot

Anyway, I usually keep the articles to myself. But this one I HAVE to share. It seems that some researchers in Kyoto who have created Kenji, a robot who can show emotions such as love, didn't know what they were getting themselves into.
Here's a quote from the article that I think will convince you to read the whole thing: "Each time Kenji is re-activated, he instantaneously bonds with the first technician to meet his gaze and rushes to embrace them with his two 100kg hydraulic arms. It doesn’t help that Kenji uses only pre-recorded dog and cat noises to communicate and is able to vocalize his love through a 20 watt speaker in his chest."
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Mac or PC Rap
By the way, Google Chrome is not out for Macs yet. My Google/Mac love does not seem to be compatible.
Anyway, enjoy...
I'm a big fan of nerdy rap songs. (see below)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Carnival Aquarium = amazing
Saw this when I was walking on Park Avenue to my friend's restaurant from Grand Central... At first, I didn't know exactly what is was except that it's for Carnival Cruise lines and pretty cool. Upon further research, I found that it's a sweet campaign for Carnival which feature interactive computer-animated "aquariums" on the sides of buildings that get high pedestrian traffic in 6 cities (Baltimore, Dallas, Houston, LA, New York and D.C.).
"As pedestrians walk by, the vibrant undersea universe reacts with plant life swaying, water and bubbles moving and fish darting around in response to the human motion. Signage invites passersby to dial a number on their cell phones to create their own, personalized fish.
By making various sounds into their phones, consumers can customize their fish and then, using their keypad, swim them around the tank. By steering the fish to food, the custom creatures continue to morph in shape and size and do a variety of other fun and surprising things.
The aquariums also feature a mechanism that enables people to come back later and, using the same cell phone, retrieve their customized fish. Once finished with the interaction, consumers receive a text message inviting them to visit for additional fun activities and information."
All created by Arnonld, Boston.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Holy Shit!!! It happened! Oregon Trail comes to the iPhone.

I'm running home, downloading this and taking all of you on the trail! Julio, if we get into trouble, I'm killing you off first.
Walkthrough with pictures here
Monday, March 9, 2009
I'm lovin this ad!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Bogusky leaves Twitter
Some sexy spots... (alliteration is cool)
A good read
Interweb the Rainbow?

Slow Thursday
Found this guy the other day. Karina liked it so much she made it her status. Pretty cool spot.
Found this one while looking for a spot the other day. Cute.
Thought I was having a nightmare the other night. Then the spot ended and I woke up. Except I was never asleep. Even the Slowskys were better than this.
lol funny spot from castrol. better than the monkeys one from the super bowl (this actually ran pregame, but hardly anybody saw it)
College Days...
*Yeah, he really is a D.F.A
Needs a passafire holster...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Mircosoft's vision for the future... 2019
Oh man, I can't wait for this. I want this or an old country depression with horses, bartering and gun fights (I think Sarah Palin shared this vision).
Everyone loves widgets right?

I think it's a cool idea and some of the widgets are pretty entertaining, especially the one with the rolling eggs, but I question the truthfulness of most of them. Also, even though, it spouts some really cool facts the voice gets annoying really quickly.