Well, we graduated from UF (The University of Florida) in 2008 (most of us, at least). After leaving the halls (or atrium) of Weimer Hall, we're off to work in advertising, all across the country! What we're up to, and what we're in to - you'll find it here! Check often to find out about the Wizards of Weimer!
I'll just steal the copy from Gizmodo, It really sums up how I feel but I know there are some TWSS fanatics out there (*cough* Sean, Melissa, Sarah, Nicole *cough* *cough*).
"You're an unfunny person if you say "That's what she said!" all the time. You're an aggressively, offensively unfunny person if you pull out your iPhone and push a button to say it.
Yes, say hello to the "That's What She Said" iPhone app. It's pretty straightforward: it's a big red button that says TWSS. When you hit it, it says, predictably, "That's What She Said." That's it. I'd say at least it's free, but really, you should get paid for using such a horrible app."
It's a very shallow site but we gave it a huge face lift. We've also got a new promo coming up which happens to be one of my favorite pages on the site.
Since not everyone paid attention in Weigold's class when he showed us Mean Joe Green (or even had him as a professor), here is is, along with the remake, Mean Troy (and I've added the Coke brand team for good measure, in case you've missed those TOO!)
Honestly, I liked the Mean Troy ad at first. But it wasn't one of my favorites. Then I watched it again and realized how good it was. How well they did a job of integrating another campaign into it. That association really helps drive that it's Coke Zero, not Coca Cola. And they did a wonderful job paying homage to a Super Bowl Classic. Great spot for a heterogenous audience. And they did a better job of combining old and new than Pepsi did.
I'm not gonna lie, this is pretty funny, until about 3/4 of the way through (when they're on the boat). But its got a ton of great cameos, and its really well made.
From the YouTube description: "This is my 7 year old son who had an extra tooth removed last summer, 2008. I had the camera because he was so nervous before I wanted him to see before and after.
He was so out of it after, I had to carry him out of the office. The staff was laughing and I had tears it was so funny."
Anything I say will simply detract from the video. But I do implore everyone to take a look at his shirt.
Since everyone voicing their opinions as to who should be cast as Corwin in the Office I'm throwing my own candidate's hat in the world (holy cliches Batman!):
Jumping on the 'let's pick on Corwin' bangwagon I have scrounged the internets for whom I think would best portray this so-called Corwin on "The Office."
First of all-
Who said they couldn't be an A-lister?
Sam's the man, kind of a badass, way serious and totally has the sideburns down. (See Karina's post below)
While I'm thinking of Pulp Fiction...
Quentin Tarantino is perfect for that small role, kind of weird (see: Pulp Fiction, Desperado).
Might as well get someone gruffy.
Of course! One of the three Billy Goats Gruff. Weird? Check. Gruff? Yes. Serious? You betcha.
If those aren't enough to get you into the show, too bad for you.
Finally, we have the one and only, Donald Sutherland
Donald Sutherland might be perfect. He's gruff, serious and doesn't need to talk much. He is automatically superior to Michael and Dwight because he is older and wise (much unlike Creed). Plus, he could totally hang out on the farm.
While I love Kevin Corrigan (that's my vote from your list Sean),
I think we're all forgetting a very valid option.
Notice that the post says they are *casting* for the role of Corwin. So who better than the man himself? I'd say he fits all the criteria. Please note the following pictures and consider this option. =]
Move to LA, Cor. Be a star.
I do have one backup in case you don't have the acting chops to make it:
Ok, I first read this here. I promise there are no Rick Rolls in this post. Read the first post on top. Or if you're getting to this late, it's the post from Feb 2. It quotes something from E! Spoiler Chat (you have to scroll down a ways to find it). Anyway, for those of you who don't click links for fear of RickRoll:
Mel in Columbia, Mo.: I'm so glad they started the Super Bowl ep of The Office with a heavy dose of Dwight. He is awesome. Any scoop on what's to come with our fave lovelorn beet farmer?
I hear The Office is now casting for Corwin, a friend of Dwight's who is "kind of weird." He'll work with Michael and Dwight and deliver a few lines in a gruff, serious manner. We can only hope this means another trip to Schrute Farms!
So now the tough question: Who should get to play Corwin? Who do you think would be best at it? I'll start the discussion by posting a few of my thoughts. Please include pictures and an explanation why this person should play him. Remember, must be able to play "kind of weird" and deliver lines in a gruff, serious manner.
1) Keanu Reeves
He was the first person that came to mind for me. But he has to have the longer hair. Acting-wise: Think Neo. Whoa. No emotion. Gruff, serious. The longer hair could make him seem more weird.
2) Pauly Shore
The Office is a comedy, so Pauly would be right at home. Except it's a really good comedy, so maybe he'll be a little out of place. But damn he can play weird. Gruff and serious might be a stretch, but come on, I can definitely see him playing a friend of Dwight's.
3) Rainn Wilson
Who else would Dwight pick as a friend? Come on. If the AT&T spots can have two of the same guy on screen at once (they're not twins, Nicole), then the Office can do it! Plus, he can definitely play weird, and deliver gruff/serious lines yet make them funny.
4)Jason Lee
I can definitely see him playing "kind of weird" and delivering gruff/serious lines. And hell, he's already in one NBC show. Shouldn't be tough to get him in another.
5)Emile Hirsch
He played semi-socially awkward in Girl Next Door, and then someone that can definitely be a Corwin in Into the Wild. And for some reason, I just see it going over really well.
6)Kevin Corrigan
I really only remember him as that weird crazy uncle from Grounded for Life. And I think he also had a role in Superbad. But damn, the looks are pretty spot on. He could definitely play Dwight's friend Corwin.
7) Yao Ming
There's precedent for this. I can see him delivering these lines perfectly. Michael Jordan acted before. So did Shaq. Why can't Yao? He did have that Garmin spot before. His delivery was brilliant.
8) Tay Zonday
Why not?
Ok, I was much more serious about the first 6. Please, comment all you want with your own ideas for who should play Corwin on The Office. Maybe we'll vote, or have a bracket-style contest or something. Maybe something like what AdFreak did with its freakiest ads. We'll see. But please, don't hold back. That's what she said.
Pride and Prejudice has always been one of my favorites. I've read it a dozen times since I was young. I even wrote a college admissions essay about "what literary character you would like to be" about becoming a modern-day Elizabeth Bennet. So I was tickled today to find out about a new book coming out in May--Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
Yes, it's real. A description can be found on Where Dave is. I'd write more about it, but this guy is so excited I'd rather let him do the talking.
Oh sure, you can choose to save the whales, polar bears, and maybe even the dolphins. If you so choose, you can even save Britney Spears*. However, out of all these causes I think perhaps my favorite is Oxford Dictionary's Savethewords.org.
As a rather emphatic logophile (...I'll give you a few seconds to look it up...), this site was a rather nice find for me. Not only is it visually interesting, but it gives you quite a few words that, chances are, you have never ever ever ever seen in your life. Ever. The goal of the web site is to save words that are endanger of being dropped from the dictionary. Visitors pick a word and then promise to use it in their daily life with the hopes that it will eventually make it back into the layman's lexicon.
Since I have such a large heart, I decided to adopt two words: vicambulate ("Zombies are prone to vicambulate late at night, no doubt because there is less traffic on the streets.") and sparsile ("Bob had to give up his job at the observatory because each time he spotted a sparsile star he began to cry.")
For those of you not still in Gainesville, you may not have heard about the "scandalous" text message that most students received on Jan 18th.
"The monkey got out to the cage" was sent by a Mobile Campus kid who claims he was just being funny, citing a reference to Family Guy. Many students took offense to the text, believing it to be a racist reference to Barack Obama. Here's the link to UF's story if you're interested in the details.
In other hacking media news, Superbowl viewers in Tuscon, Arizona witness 10 juicy seconds of frontal male porn towards the end of the game. Investigation is still underway. That story here.
These guys should start a club with the Disney people that put sexual subliminal messages into our favorite Disney films. Maybe Tyler Durden can be a member as well.
Update- Thanks to Twitter (no, I'm not going to stop talking about it)...here's another funny hacking story from Australia. Electronic Road Signs.
So I was innocently chatting away online the other night when I got an AIM from CollegiateCoho saying Hey, Jimmy.
Clearly, I'm not Jimmy. Nor have I seen this screen name before. Now I know more normal people would X out, but being the extremely curious person I am, I dove right into the conversation. This person, who I later found out was supposedly a twenty-something gamer from Ottowa, Canada, claimed that I had IMed him the same greeting, and that my screen name was CrazyCoho or something.
I googled and wiki-ed away until I finally found an explanation. This Canadian dude and I had unwillingly been a part of a huge social-experiment/internet game that started in 2007 through Livejournal (who knew people were still on that? So 6th grade). It started out as "The Great Hatsby"... a program grabs screen names that are listed on livejournal, twitter, facebook, anything...and matches it up with another screen name. Something like an AIM bot instigates the conversations between the two and their replies are sent thru the bot so that their real screen names are never shown. All the screen names have "adjective+coho" or "adjective+salmon"
Don't really know what the point was exactly, I guess it's a fun little game for those looking for random friends on the internet? I've never really been the chat-room, let's be fast friends with strangers type.
But hey- I now know who to IM if I want to discuss hockey, old SNES games, indie movies, or Canada.