Well, we graduated from UF (The University of Florida) in 2008 (most of us, at least). After leaving the halls (or atrium) of Weimer Hall, we're off to work in advertising, all across the country! What we're up to, and what we're in to - you'll find it here! Check often to find out about the Wizards of Weimer!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Only the issues

Created by creative director - Tor Myhren from Grey NYC, the posters slice through the race issue between candidates - acknowledging that much of this campaign has predictably but stupidly been re-cast as a battle between black and white. Myhren's powerful imagery rightly implies that this is all just distraction, seeking to refocus our attention onto what really matters - the issues.

Even before the results are in, the posters have become collectors items, with New Yorkers unable to help themselves from swiping them off the streets.

- Lisa Evans
Courtesy of thecoolhunter.net


burchie said...

As I always say when I like something even remotely advertising related... brilliant! Not only is it so extremely true, it is well executed. I just read a post on wheresmyjetpack.blogspot.com that so well exemplifies this point. (Titled, "The Content of his Character"). I've already voted (absentee)... it was a really tough decision for me. In fact, I voted for all the other things on the ballot, waited a week, voted for president and them immediately sealed the envelope and sent it away. I will not say who I voted for (not becuase I am embarrased, but because I truely do not care who you voted for so I don't really care to tell you who I voted for) but I based my vote soley on the issues and who I think will be right for this country, not becuase of anything else.

But, enough of this blabber... I'm just happy all this will be over sooooon! :) (Did I ever tell anyone that I hate politics???)

Karina said...

I'm also not a fan of politics at all, although I do admit I got a little into it since this is my first time voting. I did absentee too, and like you had everything filled out before the presidential selection. (Poop on Florida for passing Amendment 2, by the way). Anyway, this is a really cool ad...glad you posted it MelDoug!