Well, we graduated from UF (The University of Florida) in 2008 (most of us, at least). After leaving the halls (or atrium) of Weimer Hall, we're off to work in advertising, all across the country! What we're up to, and what we're in to - you'll find it here! Check often to find out about the Wizards of Weimer!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why We Have Job Security

When I see these terrible locally produced spots, I am stupefied by two things: 1- Someone approved this. 2- Someone paid for this.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Alcoholic Monkeys on BBC and Swine Flu

Maybe you can blame your alcoholism on Great Grandpa Stu. Make sure you catch the end.

Funny image of the week:

Friday, April 24, 2009


As you may or may not know, ESPN is my advertising/brand/channel passion and lover. If I could work for any company/brand it would be ESPN in any department or way, whether it be for Martin on the account or at ESPN. One of many reasons... amazing advertising. Here's the lastest and greatest (saw it this morning):

Brilliant and relevant... things we should all strive to be.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mentos and...Carlsberg?

Found this on a blog done by two guys I'm working with here.

"We all know what happens when you put Mentos in Diet Coke, but what about Carlsberg?"

Google's done it again

Google's Google Labs is always busy coming up with new and amazing things to enhance our internet experience and the glory that is Google. This branch brought us things like Google Maps, iGoogle, and Google News. And, they innovate everyday...

Now, they've taken Google News one step further with a visual news timeline. You can see a news timeline for any date or keyword and sort by photos, news stories, blogs, tv shows, etc. The possibilities are endless.... atlanta braves new photos, jackson browne music, urban meyer new quotes, and more....

It's a little tricky and I couldn't find our blog in the blog tabs, but all in all pretty cool.

Check it out: newstimeline.googlelabs.com and read more at the Google Blog.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

This made me chuckle today.

I'm not how many of you read AdFreak and already saw this...

Here is a list of short and to the point "uncomfortable plot summaries" for movies and TV shows. Via postmodernbarney.com

Not convinced you want to read them all? Here are some favorites:

  • BATMAN: Wealthy man assaults the mentally ill.
  • BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: Peasant girl develops Stockholm Syndrome.
  • BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S: Pretty redneck girl fools socialites, flirts with gay gigolo.
  • CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY: Deranged pedophile big-business industrialist tortures and mutilates young children.
  • CUJO: Family neglects to give family pet rabies shots, pays price.
  • FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF: Amoral narcissist makes world dance for his amusement.
  • JUNO: Teen fails to get abortion, ruins lives.
  • LORD OF THE RINGS: Midget destroys stolen property.
  • PRIDE AND PREJUDICE: Woman with gold-digging mother nags wealthy man into marriage.
  • RATATOUILLE: Vermin infest restaurant until it is forced to close doors.
  • SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS: Layabout stepdaughter shacks up with seven miners.
  • SUPERBAD: Boys plan date-rape, sleep together.
There are a TON more. I love them. If I had any discipline, I'd make a new facebook status every day.


Another video for you guys. This one's via DesignYouTrust. It's a short film created to promote the Philips Cinema 21:9 LCD TV. Wondering why it's called carousel after watching it?

The film is created to play on continuously on loop. I watched it through a few times and noticed new elements each time around. It's visually very interesting and dramatic despite the lack of actual movement. Enjoy.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Technology scares me.

These statistics are pretty insane.

World Builder

If you've got 10 minutes, check out this short film by Bruce Branit.

Friday, April 17, 2009

gotta love Google Street View

Google Street View is awesome... that goes without saying. But, to make it even better... when they were taking photos in Pittsburgh, PA they stumbled upon two men LARPing (live action role playing) on 8 Samponsia Way. I'm not convinced this was all innocent... perhaps these two men knew that Google was planning on taking photos there that day, but I'd like to think it was all by coincidence.

On a similar but different note:

the related issue is at 1:11 :)

some Friday comic relief

Happy Friday! t's 2:15 and the day is dragging, so here's a nice video to help the day go by.

Family Guy character Bruce the performance artist is my favorite character on the show. Hands. Down. His voice is great and he has the best lines. He's also used a lot for random animal/alien characters. This video is kind of long and won't imbed, but worth the 9 minutes... I promise!

And, for those who don't have 9 minutes... my favorites:
1:43 - Fire Island
3:56 & 6:00 - Mayor Bee
5:30 - Stars Wars spoof
7:00 - 911 call operator
8:15 - poltergeist


Ya'll enjoy now!

Triiibeca is the place to be...

With gleeful joy Tribeca Film Festival brings back a childhood favorite, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Don't miss out.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

You can tell by the way I use my blog...

We just launched this today. Open to thoughts. Anyone want a free razor?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A viral that mocks a viral?? Oh Mini... you're so clever

I thought it was well done.

Monday, April 13, 2009

In case you have an extra 1:30 to spend

An hour and a half, not a minute and 30 seconds. Sometimes called Turkish Starwars, though its real name is The Man Who Saves the World. I made it through a few minutes of it, just to witness the complete ripoff of Star Wars. No, not the plot or anything. There's no Varth Dader or Skuke Lywalker. But holy hell! The footage! This guy just flatout lifted the footage from the original movie! Spend a few minutes to appreciate the blatant thievery and awesome scriptwriting.


"But in reality, how strong their weapons be; the enemies of the Earth in galaxy; did not have brains."

How poetic!

I think the Star Wars stuff may only be in the first 5 minutes or so, since I didn't really get past it, but who knows?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lucky Cider

My current favorite commercial.

If you are wondering -- yes, she is indeed speak English Engrish.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Commercial based on...A Widget!

Yep. Saw this Monday night when I was watching the basketball championship. Forget basing spots on SNL skits. Let's make a spot based entirely on a widget! Except, this was VERY, VERY WELL DONE.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Easter from PETA

I can't embed this, but Peta sent me an E-card for Easter. It features "Mr.T"

Check it: http://www.peta2.com/ecard/easter_mrt/index.asp?c=peta2_enews

The Lost Tribes of New York

The Lost Tribes of New York City from Carolyn London on Vimeo.

Via The Book of Freak.

Booty is Booty

I'm back.

Just wanted to share BK's latest work. It went on air this past Monday. If you didn't see it during the NCAA Men Basketball Championship, here's your chance:

BURGER KING SpongeBob Commercial: (sorry for the link it refuses to let me embed the video... grr)


As you can tell from the video, it was a pretty fun project to work on. There's also an extended version 2 minute music video that's hilarious so check it out if you get bored.

Other things I'm excited about:
1. New iPhone update coming out (cut, paste and searchable email... yes!)
2. The three day weekend coming up
3. Football season... Sept. 5th... Championship repeat?

If you need a good laugh check these out. I'm sure Nancy and Melissa can fully appreciate the irony.

Worst Placed Ads


haha... better McD's than BK

Saturday, April 4, 2009

April Fool's Rick Roll

You get what you give.

Way to brand your Vodka?

I've come to feel like some companies have no strategy behind what they do these days. This attempt is (in my opinion) taking advantage of social media because they either a) have the "everybody's doing it" mentality, or b) are doing social media for the sake of doing social media.

Then again, this is alcohol so it's a totally different game. Say you become a fan of Three Olives on Facebook. What kind of updates are they going to send you? This sweepstakes, new flavors and "Please drink responsibly" notices? I've been on Facebook for over 5 years and seen a hundreds of changes across the site from layouts, to applications to making it easier for marketers to reach the right piece of the audience. People have joined groups (which I see as NO different to fan pages now) about drinking, or being drunk in general. I'll admit I was in some in college, but I've moved on from that. I don't feel comfortable becoming a fan of alcohol in the public realm of the internet. If you do, what does that say about you?

Friday, April 3, 2009


Via Soup.

What do you think?

I like this guy's response: "God, amen. But I have the opposite conclusion as ADismalScience: If you think you're a genius, go try some genius things. How many threads can these assholes fill with complaints that I made money off an idea that any of them could have had, before they actually go do something themselves?

And when will they realize that the "wealthy fameball savants" work ten times as hard as they do?"

Hello Vader!

Via the "Most WTF Image Contest" on Buzzfeed.

Caperucita Roja

Don't know why I felt like writing that in Spanish. But here's an interesting Little Red Riding Hood video:

Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.