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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Smoking Smarties

Not sure if anyone has heard/seen this...

Apparantly this is pretty old, but it's making new waves on YouTube. There are sereval different version, all with a "how-to" smoke smarties, but this one featuring a 10-year-old boy named Titus is getting all the attention. It's been posted on BuzzFeed, CollegeHumor, the video-gamer destination G4tv.com's "Attack of the Show", and the "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon" blog. Along with dozens of other vidoes, there a numerous MySpace metions and groups on Facebook as well as tons of posts to blogs. The video is also the 5th link when "smarties" is typed into Google

There are clearly two problems happening... it perpetuates the "coolness" of smoking and could be some really bad PR for Smarties's maker Ce De. Ce De is a 60-year-old family owned company that is [probably] never in the news on anyone's top of mind. I mean, how often does anyone really think of Smarties, aside from the occasional pinata and perhaps Halloween?

The company is distancing itself from the videos and denying any connection... Is any PR good PR??

1 comment:

Mel Doug said...

I don't believe that is smoking... That is inhaling sugar. Smoking consists of inhaling something that you ignite.

I don't think its bad for Ce De. Watch their sales go up.