Well, we graduated from UF (The University of Florida) in 2008 (most of us, at least). After leaving the halls (or atrium) of Weimer Hall, we're off to work in advertising, all across the country! What we're up to, and what we're in to - you'll find it here! Check often to find out about the Wizards of Weimer!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Alex Bogusky once again shows us how AWESOME he is


So apparently he's so angry that Guitar Hero and Rockband have kept kids from actually learning to play the guitar that he's going to start helping people "shred". The good thing is that he isn't doing the lessons himself because he's really not that good (or maybe he is...I couldn't really listen to his playing because I couldn't get over the fact that he's wearing black nail polish, does an impression of Billie Joe Armstrong and then all of the sudden there's a weird man-love thing going on). Instead it's a collection of videos from actual agency employees as well as tutorials on YouTube (or according to Wholly Guacamole: U TUBE).

Just to go on the record, I don't hate CP+B. I think the agency has done some great campaigns (Subservient Chicken)...I just have a severe dislike for Alex Bogusky. I don't know why...it might be that the people running my school have to mention his name at least once in every conversation, that he's easily taking at least a third of my tuition despite never even coming to speak at the school with his name on it (I guess he can't take a few hours out of his schedule every few months or whenever else he's in Miami to drive the twenty minutes from Coconut Grove to Miami Beach and shine his genius upon us) or that because of him I'm at an advertising school that has no printers. Oh well, I'll take solace in the fact that it's a new year and there's a chance things will get better. Here's to hoping some things never change, though.

P.S. J-Fran, if you read this I hope you don't hate me now.


Sean said...

i've been saying that all along about guitar hero. thank god someone in a better position than me to do something about it is trying to do something about it.

and the south park episode is perfect!

(ps, i got my brother the new guitar hero world tour game for christmas...does that make me a hypocrite?)

Mel Doug said...

Very hypocritical.