Well, we graduated from UF (The University of Florida) in 2008 (most of us, at least). After leaving the halls (or atrium) of Weimer Hall, we're off to work in advertising, all across the country! What we're up to, and what we're in to - you'll find it here! Check often to find out about the Wizards of Weimer!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bizzare Dream

I have to preface this by asking you to try not to get too freaked out by me. I always have really, really weird dreams. I'd tell you about some of the more special ones, but you'd either stop being my friends or ask me who I buy my LSD from.

So anyway, my dream this (early) morning involves 3 of you lovely people which is why I decided to post it.

Corwin and Sean decided to pull this big stunt. Corwin shot Sean out of this huge rocket thing...something like a cannon/spaceship/Evil Kineval type of thing. Only something went wrong, and Sean died. (Sorry, Sean)

This was all going on somewhere far away...I saw it on the news. So my sister, Sarah Burchfield and I are all really upset. (Why is my sister in this dream with all my AdSoc people?!) So we're greiving...I don't really remember in detail this whole scenario. Plus it kind of made no sense.

Anyway we end up at Sean's house (maybe for a funeral?) and his mom is this super super old grandma lady. And she's giving the 3 of us a tour. And we find this pillow thingy in Sean's room that has all these clues on it. I don't know how I know they were clues about something. But all of a sudden I'm sure that Sean isn't really dead. So me, Sarah, and Kimberly decide to use the clues on the pillow to decode where he really is.

Now I honestly can't remember what the clues were at this point...I know there were a lot of them and they kept leading me from place to place and it made total sense in the dream. So just bear with me. I do remember the last clue being bumblebees. And Sarah was like "Well, there's bees in space!" So we fly somewhere to wherever Corwin is. And I'm really freaked out cuz he's not sad at all. And you'd think he'd be sad if Sean was dead/missing. But he has this sneaky smirk on his face and he asks us where we think Sean is and we say in outer space. And he's like YEA! Good job. You guys figured it out.

Apparently the two of them had planned the entire stunt and then planted the pillow so we would find it just so they could see if we could solve the mystery.


The end.


Julio said...

Oooooookaaaaaaaay... so who do you buy your LSD from?

Mel Doug said...

Hahaha I love it! You are not alone Karina. Get Lauren to recap some of her AdSoc dreams, such as 'Ad Society the Muscial' where Sutherland was the conductor (my personal favorite).

Nancy said...

I had a dream that I moved in with Sean and Corwin and ... well, I can't say the rest...yeah!

Corwin said...

Sweet. And then we start a family and live happily ever after on Mars. Nancy?!? You had that same dream? Was it as good for you, as it was for me?